Filament allows you to persist table filters, sorts and searches in the user session. In a multi-tenant app, this might not be the desired behavior, as filters could be different and search might return no results.
Internally, Filament creates the session keys based on the class name:
public function getTableFiltersSessionKey(): string
$table = md5($this::class);
return "tables.{$table}_filters";
To change this, we can create a simple trait and add it to our resource pages that are extending ListRecords
(as an example).
Filters, Searches and Sorts per Tenant
In the code below, we overwrite the way Filament creates the session keys for table sort, filter and searches.
How to use it?
For multi-tenant apps using Filament, you can use the code if you are persisting the table searches, filters and sorts in the session.
Example Resource
namespace App\Filament\Resources;
class ExampleResource extends Resource
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
Example List Records page
namespace App\Filament\Resources\ProductResource\Pages;
use App\Filament\Traits\HasCatalogAwareSessionKeys;
class ListExamples extends ListRecords
use HasCatalogAwareSessionKeys;
That's it, now the filters, search and sorts for your tables are stored individually per tenant.
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