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Improve your conversions with 100 “Hot Tips” 🔥 for your Landing Pages

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Rob Hope, the creator of One Page Love, collected his findings on landing pages into an Ebook. Years of research, designing landing pages, helping others improve their conversions, Landing Page Hot Tips features the 100 most effective tips that you can implement on your landing pages.

Meet the creator, Rob

Rob Hope of One Page Love

Rob Hope is a South African born web designer and developer who runs One Page Love, Email Love and Yo! After a decade freelancing, he finally took the leap to work on his side projects full time.

I first met Rob at WordCamp Europe 2019 in Berlin where he gave a talk about landing pages that basically blew my mind. So many actionable tips in such a short time and all presented in a relaxed and approachable way. We talked more over beers and BBQ later that night and stayed in touch ever since.

Whenever I optimize a landing page for a client, I go back over the notes from his talk. So I was very excited to hear that he finally packaged his Hot Tips into an Ebook and I immediately pre-ordered it.

About the Landing Page Hot Tips Ebook

The Ebook was released on September 1st 2020 and includes 100 Landing Page lessons, each with imagery and additional resources. An Audiobook version for you to enjoy on the go, as well as interactive checklists to help you get the most out of your landing pages.

🔥 Landing Page Hot Tips Ebook

The Landing Page Hot Tips Ebook features 100 digestible lessons to implement into your Landing Pages. Each tip features a few paragraphs, visual references and related resources.

Get your copy now

More on Rob and Landing Pages?

I highly recommend following Rob on Twitter. He has a huge thread packed with tips on improving landing page design, copy and conversions. The tips are part of the Ebook and explained in more detail. Check out these examples:

Before you go…

This post contains affiliate links that earn me a small commission. I would have recommended the Ebook anyways, but Rob offered me a generous discount that I gladly share with you.


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