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Passwordless Magic Login with Laravel Breeze

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Illustration of the passwordless magic login link system for Laravel

For a project I'm working on, I wanted to implement password-less logins with a magic login link sent to your email instead. We are going to use the Laravel Breeze starter-kit and the Laravel Passwordless Login package by Ed Grosvenor.

What you need

Install and configure Laravel Breeze

In your fresh Laravel install we are going to install Laravel Breeze next:

composer require laravel/breeze --dev

The next step will be installing breeze in your project. For the purpose of this tutorial we will be using the Laravel Livewire version of Breeze using the Volt Class based variant, but the changes should be adaptable for all flavors of the Breeze starter kit.

In your terminal type the following command and follow the instructions:

php artisan breeze:install

Next up let's run the migrations and check if Breeze is working as expected:

php artisan migrate

Next up go to your project and check that you can successfully register as a new user. For this navigate to <project-url>/register and fill out the form.

Install and configure Laravel Passwordless Login

Before we bring it all together, we are going to install the Laravel Passwordless Login package by Ed Grosvenor.

composer require grosv/laravel-passwordless-login

That's it for this package, you can however adjust the settings in your .env file or publish and adjust the config.

Create the magic login notification

For this, we are going to create an Event, a Listener and a Notification. The event and the listener will be added to the EventServiceProvider class.

Create the Event

To create the RequestMagicLoginLink event, type the following in your terminal:

php artisan make:event RequestMagicLoginLink

This will generate the file RequestMagicLoginLink.php for you. Here is the content of the file:

Create the Listener

Now that we created our event, we need to create an event listener that gets called whenever the RequestMagicLoginLink event occurs. Back to the terminal and type:

php artisan make:listener

When prompted, give it the name SendMagicLoginLinkNotification for example and select our previously created event as the event to listen for.

We now have a new file SendMagicLoginLinkNotification.php and we will add the following code to it:

Create the Notification and method on the User model

Screenshot of the magic login notification email

Let's go ahead and create a new notification to actually send to our users. In your terminal type:

php artisan make:notification MagicLoginLink

This creates a new file app/Notifications/MagicLoginLink.php which we will fill with the following code:

Now we need to adjust the User model in order to send out the notification when the user requests the magic login link. In your user model add the following code:

Make sure the EventServiceProvider knows

In your EventServiceProvider.php add the following snippet to the $listen array:

RequestMagicLoginLink::class => [

Now the whenever a user requests a magic login link, the send magic login link notification will be fired.

Adjust the login component

In order to use the passwordless login, we need to adjust the login component that shipped with Laravel Breeze. In my app I want users to exclusively login without a password. So here is the code for the pages/auth/login.blade.php file:

Compared to the original file, we changed quite a bit. Your login route will look something like this now:

Screenshot of the changed login route

So this is it. You now have Laravel Breeze configured in a way that instead of a password, users will get an email to login to their account, but wait there is more...

Taking it further

For my project Wire in the Wild, a collection of Laravel Livewire projects, I require email verification and don't allow users to set a password at all. As this is quite long already, here are the steps you can take on your own in order to achieve this:

  1. Make a migration to make the password field on the Users table nullable.
  2. Change the User model to implement the MustVerifyEmail contract.
  3. Alter the registration component to not require a password.
  4. Let me know in the comments what you came up with or if you need more help to implement these changes.

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