When one of the speakers for the Laravel Switzerland Meetup had to cancel last minute, my buddy Ruslan, the organizer, asked who could step up. I took the chance to talk about my project Wire in the Wild, a growing collection of real world Laravel Livewire projects.
With little time to prepare the talk, I packed it with the following:
- ⚡️ Learning Laravel Volt and Livewire 3
- 🤖 Creating a logo with AI
- 🚢 Building and shipping the first version in under 8 hours
- 🌟 Stickers, of course we have to have stickers
- 🤯 What has happened since the launch
- 🔮 What is next for the project
The video about Wire in the Wild
Video of the talk at the Laravel Switzerland Meetup about Wire in the Wild
More about Wire in the Wild
Check out the project and feel free to add a Laravel Livewire project to the growing collection:

Learn more about how and why I built Wire in the Wild:

On top of this, I published a tutorial on how to use passwordless logins with magic login links in Laravel Breeze and another one about creating social share images on the fly for each project on Wire in the Wild.