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Real-World Laravel Livewire

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People ask me if Laravel Livewire is a scaleable solution to build interactive web applications. The answer is: Yes! Let me show you some of my favorite real-world examples.

What is Laravel Livewire?

Livewire is a package for Laravel to build interactive web applications without leaving the comfort of PHP. It allows you to use the power of reactive components directly within your PHP code. Creating dynamic, real-time interfaces without the complexity of writing a single line of JavaScript.

Want to learn Laravel Livewire? I highly recommend the screencasts by the creator, Caleb Porzio:

Installation Screencast | Laravel
A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.

Can Livewire scale?

Of course, similar to Laravel, Livewire can be scaled and used in user facing production apps. There are a numerous examples out there, check out these big projects using Livewire:

Livewire | Built with Laravel
A curated list of companies and organizations building with Laravel.

What is Wire in the Wild?

After a discussion with a friend and former co-worker, I decided to build Wire in the Wild, it is now the biggest collection of Laravel Livewire projects. Learn more on how and why I built it:

Wire in the Wild
A collection of real world Laravel Livewire projects Wire in the Wild is a curated list of projects using Laravel Livewire. It all started when my friend and former colleague Samuel asked whether Livewire was still growing and if it was mainly used for internal tools. So I wanted to

Some of my favorite projects

With over 230 projects on Wire in the Wild, I want to share some of my favorites to showcase how flexible Laravel Livewire is.

Find a PR: Start your open-source journey

Find a PR is an open-source site to help developers find projects to submit their very first pull request and start their open-source journey. The site is built by Ash Allen, a well-known book author in the Laravel community.

Find a PR | wireinthewild
Find a PR is an open-source site that is built to help developers find projects so that they can submit their very first pull request. Built by Ash Allen.

Georg Fischer Corporate Archives

The Corporate Archives of Georg Fischer Ltd were established in 1943, built on holdings that were collected in the 1920’. They include the documents and records of the company since its foundation, a part of the founding family’s estate, as well as holdings of different corporate subsidiaries and acquired companies.

Corporate Archives of Georg Fischer | wireinthewild
The Corporate Archives of Georg Fischer Ltd were established in 1943, built on holdings that were collected in the 1920’. They include the documents and records of the company since its foundation, a part of the founding family’s estate, as well as holdings of different corporate subsidiaries and acquired companies (i.a. GF in Singen, Maschinenfabrik Rauschenbach, Buss Ltd.).

Lychee: Open Source Photomanagement System

Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely.

Lychee | wireinthewild
Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely. Lychee V5 was using Laravel Livewire.

Totalsurfcamp: Beautiful booking engine

Uncover high-end surf experiences around the world and connect with other surfers on Totalsurfcamp. This beautiful site uses Laravel Livewire.

Totalsurfcamp | wireinthewild
Uncover high-end surf experiences around the world and connect with other surfers on Totalsurfcamp. This beautiful site uses Laravel Livewire.

Make me a Cocktail: Drink recipe collection

Search a huge cocktail database, create lists and fill up your virtual bar to discover amazing cocktails you can make right now.

Make Me A Cocktail | wireinthewild
Search our cocktail database, create lists and fill up your virtual bar to discover amazing cocktails you can make right now.

deinabo: Swiss mobile plan comparison is Swiss reseller for mobile phone, TV and internet subscriptions. It let's you find your perfect plan. The site is built by web agency webkinder. | wireinthewild is swiss reseller for mobile phone subscriptions.

Koenigsegg Design Studio

The luxury car brand Koenigsegg uses Laravel Livewire for their Design Studio site. I wish I had the means to get a login and design one 😅.

Koenigsegg Design Studio | wireinthewild
The Koenigsegg Design Studio site uses Laravel Livewire. I wish I had the means to get a login and design one 😅.

What are you building with Livewire?

Let me know in the comments below what you are building with Laravel Livewire or add your project to Wire in the Wild:

Wire in the Wild - Real World Laravel Livewire Projects
Wire in the Wild collects Laravel Livewire and TALL Stack projects. Feel free to add yours, the more the merrier.

Before you go, let me know on twitter what features you wish to see on Wire in the Wild. Feel free to sign up to my newsletter for more.


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