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A selection of talks I gave over the years. I love to share what I learned.

Title slide from my talk about moving existing projects into the Laravel Cloud

From the Wild into the Cloud

Laravel  ✺  Video
A picture of Silvan Hagen giving a talk about Wire in the Wild. Picture by Tassilo

Laravel Meetup Talk: Wire in the Wild

Laravel  ✺  Video
From WordPress to Laravel thumbnail image

Lessons learned moving from WordPress to Laravel

Laravel  ✺  WordPress
Slide from my talk about the WordPress REST API from 2016

The WordPress REST API is a game changer

On stage at WordCamp Europe 2015 in Seville

A UX design process for building an open source WordPress plugin

Silvan Hagen on stage at WordCamp Switzerland 2014 - Picture by Claudio Schwarz

WordPress Multisite on a tight budget