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Laracon EU 2025 - My Recap

Laravel  ✺  Opinion

Add Dimensions to Image and Video Uploads in Laravel


Real-World Laravel Livewire

Laravel  ✺  Video

Building a custom driver for Favicon Fetcher


Filament: Get the default Tenant for the User model

Filament  ✺  Laravel  ✺  Code Snippet

Create Social Share Images with Laravel


Passwordless Magic Login with Laravel Breeze

Wire in the Wild a collection of Livewire projects

Wire in the Wild

Laravel  ✺  Web App


Laravel  ✺  Web3
Title slide from my talk about moving existing projects into the Laravel Cloud

From the Wild into the Cloud

Laravel  ✺  Video
A picture of Silvan Hagen giving a talk about Wire in the Wild. Picture by Tassilo

Laravel Meetup Talk: Wire in the Wild

Laravel  ✺  Video
From WordPress to Laravel thumbnail image

Lessons learned moving from WordPress to Laravel

Laravel  ✺  WordPress